Content Matterz Blog
Expertise from content marketers on everything from building a workable budget to creating the best marketing content.
What is social proof and how does it apply to the B2B SaaS world?
Humans have always depended on fitting in for survival, and this instinct for acceptance is why social proof is an essential part of brand success. So what is social proof? Why is it important? And how can B2B SaaS companies incorporate it into their marketing...
Easy website updates you won’t want to skip this event season
Website updates are important, especially around the event season. If you’ve been following along lately, you might have noticed that we’ve sure been talking a lot about events — and with good reason. While it’s no secret that the Content Matterz team loves working...
Give your next event an edge with fresh new content ideas
It’s the moment many of us have been waiting for! In-person events are back, and we get to shake hands, have face-to-face conversations and real-life industry experiences. Some companies are jumping back into the event world feet first, while others are adopting a...
Event swagger: Takeaways that leave a lasting impression
If you’ve ever hosted a networking or marketing conference–whether virtual or in-person–you know that your post-event follow-up is just as important as the event itself. You may have caught our tips for event marketing excellence. Now, it’s time to turn up the heat...
5 ways to support your hybrid event
Hosting a hybrid event is a great way to engage a wider audience by offering your content to live and virtual attendees. But combining virtual and live elements requires a whole new strategy to make sure your audience is getting the most out of what you are offering....
5 tips for event marketing
Event season is heating up! Regardless if you are doing an in-person, virtual or hybrid event, marketing is key to generating interest and, even more importantly, attendees. If you are looking for some fail-proof ways to market your events and nurture your leads,...
How to make marketing automation feel less robotic
Oh, automation... There is something beautiful that happens when you unlock the perfect combo of eloquent messaging, customer knowledge and product or brand excitement. You take these elements, and if you have the right strategy in place, you connect with the people...
Letting automation take the marketing wheel
Automation and AI tools are something we have become all too familiar with over the years. From self-driving cars to Siri on our phones, automated technology has impacted the way we function on a daily basis. These tools have made their way into the marketing world...
Personalization has a future — if you do it right
Personalization in marketing is important, and here's why. Have you ever walked into a store and heard a clerk shout, "Hi, welcome in"? Instinctively you return the salutation. "Oh, hello. Thank you." But then, there doesn't seem to be an employee within sight as you...
The truth about marketing automation tools and AI
As marketers, we make a hundred decisions before executing a campaign across multiple channels. And sometimes, these decisions land us in the hot seat. With a show of hands, how many of you have had to defend your budget or deliver hard metrics to prove you drove...
Marketing a boring brand? Let content do the heavy lifting.
There once was a boring brand that needed to find a way to stand out in a competitive market. They tried social media, email marketing and paid ads, but nothing seemed to work. The brand was stuck selling a commodity product that no one wanted to buy. But then they...
In a crowded tech space, SaaS messaging needs to be made memorable
Technology has firmed its grasp on all parts of life, and these days even our children can serve as the IT department in our homes. Technology’s place in the work world is no exception. Companies are dependent on software to run their businesses more efficiently and...
Marketing on the Flywheel: A new podcast for all your marketing needs
There's a new podcast to help marketers: Marketing on the Flywheel! We live in an increasingly digital world where remote work, flexible schedules and nomad lifestyles have become the norm. An overwhelming amount of people today no longer hold “normal” business hours;...
Trust matterz: Creating a better content strategy agency
International Women’s Day highlights the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. In a previous life, I’ve used this day to share stories about challenges women face in industries that are typically thought of as male-dominated. As a content...
What does a socially conscious B2B SaaS company look like?
Over the last few years, the concept of being socially conscious has become mainstream for the public—and businesses are following suit. Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, is the term used to describe a company’s self-enforced commitment to being ethically...