Content Matterz Blog
Expertise from content marketers on everything from building a workable budget to creating the best marketing content.
Three hot trends for B2B social media videos in 2021
In 2021, video is one of the most effective ways of marketing on social media - and B2B companies are no exception. In other words, video is hot right now. It’s a form of communication that can combine visuals, words and music in a way that no other medium can....
6 ways small companies can market like the big guys
Small companies often get inferiority complexes. It looks kind of like this: “We can’t possibly compete with abc competitor because they have a huge marketing budget.” “Those guys have so many people, they can really afford to do it all, we can’t keep up.” I’ve worked...
New year, New Year’s resolutions that can help your business grow
For many, a new year means a fresh start, and often comes with a resolution or two. And whether or not you believe in making resolutions for yourself (like increasing exercise or eating more vegetables), you should consider making a few for your marketing and business...
2021: The year of… really, another webinar?
Webinars and other “virtual events” were a novelty at the beginning of the pandemic, but fatigue from long hours spent in front of the computer is taking a toll. After nearly a year of virtual overload, can we still say webinars are an effective marketing strategy?...
How to ensure your virtual SKO is leaving a (good) lasting impression
Sales Kick Offs (SKOs) are getting a bit of a makeover this year, as many are going to be virtual. Taking what is normally an exciting, in-person event online adds an interesting twist for marketing and event teams who are working hard to make it memorable and...
Time to spread a little cheer: 3 steps to a great company holiday card
The holiday season is right around the corner (literally), and one traditional item for most organizations is sending out a holiday card. For what is seemingly a simple item, it can often be fairly complex when deciding the card design and what it should say....
Recalibrate your buyer personas in times of change
Change is a constant, but lately it’s been a bit extra. And chances are, your target audience might be shifting as well. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has fundamentally adjusted the ways we live: many of us have lost or changed jobs, our home lives have new dynamics,...
Video marketing is important, and here’s why
If you feel like video is everywhere, well, it is. And there’s a good reason for it – according to a recent study by Zenith, it’s estimated people will spend 100 minutes every day watching online videos in 2021. What does this mean for marketers? Now,...
4 ways to enhance your webcam communication
Welcome to the new normal, where web conference calls have replaced in-person communication for everything from weekly staff meetings to major events. How can you ensure that you’re engaging your audience and making the best impression? Discover four quick tips from a...
Whoops! Forgot that automated campaign was running…
I know marketers are busy creating campaigns and brand messaging around COVID-19. I also know there is someone out there that needs to hear this: Have you checked in on your automated marketing programs lately? Revisit content, timelines and imagery for the current...
New to remote work? 7 tips from a WFH pro.
Working from home was everybody’s dream—until it suddenly became reality. As a writer who’s worked remotely for close to two decades, I can’t count the number of times people have told me, “You’re so lucky! I’d love to work in my pajamas!” While telecommuting...
Resources for marketers navigating outreach during the coronavirus
For many in the marketing field, knowing how to communicate to customers, prospects and employees during this pandemic is causing some anxiety. To ease the uncertainty of what to say and how to continue promoting products and services in a professional manner, I have...
Considerations for communicating your brand during uncertain times
The COVID-19 pandemic has left many companies uncertain of how to communicate to both their customers and their employees. Simply ignoring the current events and carrying on business-as-usual could make your organization appear callous. On the other hand, trying to...
How to write effective subject lines
Effective subject lines are key to any email marketing efforts. They are the first line of defense that will determine if your email will see the light of day and ultimately convert. Deciding what subject line is going to be the perfect...
Three ways to effectively use your marketing personas
Creating marketing personas can be a fun exercise. You get a chance to really dive into who makes up your target audience, and in a way, get to know them. And now that you have these marketing personas, the next step is putting them to good use, and apply these...