Content Matterz Blog

Expertise from content marketers on everything from building a workable budget to creating the best marketing content.

Monday matters: My secret weapon

Monday matters: My secret weapon

When I was first starting out, I worked in a tiny advertising agency doing media buying. It wasn’t glamorous like I thought an advertising agency would be, but I gained a lot of experience. My boss was a shark who taught me how to be ruthless negotiating advertising...

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6 lessons learned from winning NaNoWriMo

6 lessons learned from winning NaNoWriMo

Yeah that’s me. I’m an official NaNoWriMo Winner. What is NaNoWriMo you ask? It’s short for National Novel Writing Month—since that’s a big mouthful, it gets shortened to NaNoWriMo. It’s a worldwide challenge to write a novel in one month. In other words, crank out...

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Monday matters: Win forever

Monday matters: Win forever

The Seahawks logged another victory over the Oakland Raiders yesterday to clinch second place in their division. While the team has stumbled a bit more than expected in the early part of the season, coach, Pete Carroll’s philosophy seems to resonate with the team....

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3 steps to better blogging

3 steps to better blogging

Good writing is good writing, right? Yes and no. Readers’ expectations for a blog are far different than for a trade journal or newspaper. Blogging started as a form of an online journal so the style has always been more personal and casual. Readers expect that...

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Monday matters: Stinky cheese

Monday matters: Stinky cheese

I recently re-read Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson. I read it when it first came out about 15 years ago. If you haven’t read it recently, you should read it again. And if you have’t read it before, pick it up, you can read the whole thing in less than 20...

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Storytelling rules the early CLIO Awards

Storytelling rules the early CLIO Awards

This is the week of the 55th Annual CLIO Awards. The CLIO Awards is the world’s most recognized international awards competition for advertising, design, digital and communications. The full show hosted by Whoopi Goldberg happens on Wednesday, October 1st, but...

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Monday matters: How stress makes me happy

Monday matters: How stress makes me happy

It’s summer and no one likes to think about stress on a Monday morning, but I’m here to talk about happy stress. In your week coming up, your task is to evaluate your stress and where it’s coming from. What the heck is happy stress? Take a look at Kevin McKeown’s blog...

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