Content Matterz Blog
Expertise from content marketers on everything from building a workable budget to creating the best marketing content.
Why should you create a business podcast?
Living in an age of such technological advances, it is no wonder that there are now more tools and mediums than ever for marketers to promote their messages. One such advancement is the rise of podcasts. These digital clips, often presented as...
How to use microcopy to interject personality and brand into UX
We’ve all heard the saying “the devil is in the details,” and for marketers, this rings true in every aspect of our job. From large content pieces, to the tiniest bit of copy, one word or phrase can make all the difference in how customers and prospects view the...
Account based marketing – what it is and should you be doing it?
First thing’s first- what even is account based marketing? Account Based Marketing, or ABM For Short ABM is a highly targeted form of marketing which focuses on marketing directly to an individual or account. Rather than aiming campaigns at an...
Automating your social media? Here’s how to get started
As marketing technology and artificial intelligence gets smarter, there are more options available for automating certain tasks such as social media management. For companies of all sizes, being able to refocus employee time and energy to bigger and more strategic...
Copywriter vs. content marketing agency – Here’s the difference…
Both are responsible for helping you write and create top notch content to fit your project needs… But what is the difference? Copywriters produce marketing and promotional materials at the request of people and businesses. They are masters of content creation and...
Can AI make your email marketing campaigns more successful?
Email marketing is no easy task. Especially given the amount of emails that cross your inbox everyday. But when it works, it works – leading to increased awareness and revenue. Finding the right mix of messaging, click-worthy subject lines, and optimal send times is...
Are newsletters dead and marketers moving on…?
Newsletters. A timeless tactic that almost all marketers are sure to have employed at one point or another. Whether you’re offering up the latest on your solutions and services or serving up valuable thought leadership, they are a great way to connect with prospects...
AI in marketing is here, are you ready for it?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere. It has slipped its way into our everyday life without most of us even realizing it. The Echo Dot that is streaming music in my living room is a good example. It didn’t take long before the device became integrated in my life...
Are you prepared for virtual reality marketing?
Virtual reality (VR), and its partner augmented reality (AR), came onto the scene expensive and out of reach for many consumers. Over time, the popularity of the technology has grown, and the price has decreased, making it is more accessible to the mainstream. This...
15 ways to use Snapchat for B2B marketing
It’s real. I know, we marketers have to give social platforms some time before we invest a bunch of time learning how to use and optimize. But the time is now to start counting Snapchat in. If you’re in B2C marketing, you probably already reached this conclusion,...
The introvert’s guide to working an event
So you’ve got a big event coming up… ahem Dreamforce starts today! You know you need to rock it. Maybe you’re marketing yourself, maybe you’ve got a big booth and you’re marketing your company. But… you’re scared, that’s a whole lotta people you have to meet and be...
The one thing that’s ruining your relationship with sales
Hi marketers. You guys are awesome and I just want to start there. But we need to have a serious talk. Please examine the following statements to see if they sound familiar to you: Top-of-funnel leads are converting from x campaign but bouncing when they get to the...
4 reasons targeting the C-Suite is a losing marketing strategy
Often the CFO or CEO signs on the dotted line to purchase your product. It’s true. They are often the ultimate decision maker. Also true. Makes sense you should target them with your marketing efforts. Not so true (usually). Many companies put all their marketing...
Why marketers are afraid of social media
Because it’s new. And yeah, I know, it’s not exactly a hot-off-the-presses thing anymore. But it IS new in that it is changing every day. Which can be scary as hell when you’re at the bottom of the mountain. But I have faith in you, marketers. You can do social media...
In honor of the creativity and originality of Prince and Bowie
Prince. Bowie. It’s a sad year for music fans and all around fans of creativity and originality. I’m a huge fan of all of it. And I’m both grieving and grateful for the music and inspiration. I want to take a moment to respect what these great artists did for...