Monday matters: Listening for inspiration

Monday matters: Listening for inspiration

It’s easy to get into a routine of executing tasks and solving problems as they come. This is a great way to lose sight of big picture. If you don’t already, try to make “listening” part of that routine. Here’s what I mean by listening. I mean taking in what the world...
Monday matters: 10 steps to super productivity

Monday matters: 10 steps to super productivity

Rise and shine it’s Monday morning! And today I’m feeling perky and I’m feeling like this is going to be a super productive week. You know when you have one of those days when everything is just clicking and you’re uber-productive? Yep, that’s going to be every day...
Monday matters: Nailing brand uniqueness

Monday matters: Nailing brand uniqueness

Monday is a great time to think big picture. You’re fresh from some rest (hopefully) and not yet bogged down in your day-to-day routine. Don’t waste this glorious freshness on your in-box. Before you get into your tactical to-do list for the week, take this moment to...