6 lessons learned from winning NaNoWriMo

6 lessons learned from winning NaNoWriMo

Yeah that’s me. I’m an official NaNoWriMo Winner. What is NaNoWriMo you ask? It’s short for National Novel Writing Month—since that’s a big mouthful, it gets shortened to NaNoWriMo. It’s a worldwide challenge to write a novel in one month. In other words, crank out...
Monday matters: Win forever

Monday matters: Win forever

The Seahawks logged another victory over the Oakland Raiders yesterday to clinch second place in their division. While the team has stumbled a bit more than expected in the early part of the season, coach, Pete Carroll’s philosophy seems to resonate with the team....
Storytelling rules the early CLIO Awards

Storytelling rules the early CLIO Awards

This is the week of the 55th Annual CLIO Awards. The CLIO Awards is the world’s most recognized international awards competition for advertising, design, digital and communications. The full show hosted by Whoopi Goldberg happens on Wednesday, October 1st, but...
Lessons learned from three days without my phone

Lessons learned from three days without my phone

Earlier this week, I dumped an entire bottle of coffee into my bag. I fished my phone out immediately, but it did not entirely escape. The prevailing advice online to remedy the situation is to place the phone in a ziplock bag, covered in rice for 3-4 days. Kind of...