Welcome to the first Monday in May. If you missed the Kentucky Derby Saturday, you missed a great story. The winner this past Saturday was not a pedigreed colt from a posh Kentucky farm. Winner, California Chrome, was born from a mare that was purchased for just $8,000. Co-owners Steve Coburn and Perry Martin were mocked at the sale and called “dumbasses” for buying such a worthless mare.
After breeding the mare to an equally unlikely sire, Coburn had a dream before the foal was born that a great racer was about to be born.
“You know, it’s an incredible, incredible journey we’ve been on.” Coburn said. “We held onto that dream. I’ve said it a hundred times or a thousand times, you gotta dream, if you’re willing to ride the dream out, they will come true for you. We’re living proof of it.”
Even with his less-than-stellar parentage and (gasp!) California upbringing, California Chrome wiped out the competition and took home the roses, fulfilling his owners’ dreams.
Read more about this story at the NY Daily News.
This week as you contemplate your upcoming challenges, it’s time to dust off an idea you’ve had that maybe sounds a little “dumbass.” Go with your gut. Do you think it could work even if others are skeptical (or downright insulting)? Go for it. Maybe there’s a triple crown in your future.
About Monday Matters: Monday morning is a great time to think about some big picture strategy. You’re hopefully rested from the weekend and ready to come out swinging. Don’t waste this glorious freshness on your in-box. Before you get into your tactical to-do list for the week, take this moment to pause and think about strategy. I will post a thought to get you started each Monday.
Photo by by Sadie_Girl via Flckr Commons.