Harnessing data to acquire the right type of clients

Harnessing data to acquire the right type of clients

Data is the marketing person’s best friend. I still have nightmares about standing in front of executives with nothing more than some vague, “we think it’s working” kind of rhetoric. Those were the days before everything could be tracked and close looped. In fact, now...
6 lessons learned from winning NaNoWriMo

6 lessons learned from winning NaNoWriMo

Yeah that’s me. I’m an official NaNoWriMo Winner. What is NaNoWriMo you ask? It’s short for National Novel Writing Month—since that’s a big mouthful, it gets shortened to NaNoWriMo. It’s a worldwide challenge to write a novel in one month. In other words, crank out...
Monday matters: Win forever

Monday matters: Win forever

The Seahawks logged another victory over the Oakland Raiders yesterday to clinch second place in their division. While the team has stumbled a bit more than expected in the early part of the season, coach, Pete Carroll’s philosophy seems to resonate with the team....