by Cara McDonald | Oct 2, 2015 | Content
If you’re like many marketers, you’re knee deep in 2016 budgeting and planning already. Yay, everyone’s favorite time of year (kidding). So I’m here to pile on some more to do’s you should be knocking off your list to hit 2016 running. Your future self will thank...
by Cara McDonald | Sep 25, 2015 | Content
Where are companies nationwide putting their marketing budget dollars this year? Content. With more than 50% expecting to increase their budgets for content in the next 12 months, we can expect to see the trend hold well into the future. Why is content...
by Cara McDonald | Sep 11, 2015 | Content
Have you been hearing about Periscope but aren’t sure what to do with it? Ack, another social media platform to figure out! Don’t worry, Periscope is easy to get to know and love. It’s the perfect blend of Twitter and Youtube. For those of you who are new to...
by Cara McDonald | Sep 8, 2015 | Content
It’s day nine of the US Open Tennis Championship. It’s hot. It’s humid. The matches are long and physically grueling. But it’s not the heat or fitness that defeats the players. It’s something far more difficult to train for. Resilience....
by Cara McDonald | Jul 29, 2015 | Content
It’s all the rage–all marketers have to be doing “content marketing” or they’re just not going to be successful, right? I admit, I’m a big fan of content marketing, I’m even building a business around it. But I do believe that there is still a place for more...