Blog syndication: SEO killer or exposure boon?

Blog syndication: SEO killer or exposure boon?

We all want more exposure for our blogs. Why else do we write them? So syndication can seem like a no-brainer. Of course, you want to publish on a site that gets thousands more views than your own does. But before you jump in with two feet, make sure you’re...
Why corporate blogs suck so much

Why corporate blogs suck so much

Every marketer knows they need to have a company blog to drive SEO, content marketing, leads and [insert next week’s buzz word here]. But do you really need one if it’s just going to suck? No. A bad blog is worse than no blog. Four reasons corporate blogs often fail...
Monday matters: Working your personal social strategy

Monday matters: Working your personal social strategy

Ok, so it’s not really Monday. It’s even better, it’s Tuesday after a holiday weekend! With a short week ahead, it’s tough to take on new things this week. So, today I’m going to discuss what I do when I have a little extra time on my weekends, especially a long...
Monday matters: Listening for inspiration

Monday matters: Listening for inspiration

It’s easy to get into a routine of executing tasks and solving problems as they come. This is a great way to lose sight of big picture. If you don’t already, try to make “listening” part of that routine. Here’s what I mean by listening. I mean taking in what the world...