In a crowded tech space, SaaS messaging needs to be made memorable

by | Mar 23, 2022 | Content

Technology has firmed its grasp on all parts of life, and these days even our children can serve as the IT department in our homes. Technology’s place in the work world is no exception. Companies are dependent on software to run their businesses more efficiently and they have made the leap from self-hosted platforms to SaaS solutions to further streamline their efforts.

It’s no surprise momentum surrounding SaaS applications continues to catapult forward. The SaaS industry is projected to have its largest annual growth between 2021 and 2022 reaching a value of $171.9 billion by the end of this year.

But with all this buzz around SaaS solutions, how can you cut through the noise and convince organizations to add additional SaaS products to their software suite, or choose your application over another? You know implementing your product can have a positive impact, but it can be a challenge to produce marketing that effectively conveys that message and sets you apart from the competition.

Here are a few proven tips to help you cut through the noise and catch the attention of key decision-makers.


Add a human touch

Many businesses struggle with the adoption of new technology. Author and consultant Nuno Soares says the fear of technology in a business world presents itself in three ways:

  1. Fear of change
  2. Fear of unknown
  3. Fear of wasting money

Take this into consideration when communicating with your audience. Sure, some companies might be tech-savvy, but others are not. Don’t skim over connecting to that less confident part of your audience. Try a relatable approach by saying something like “simplicity is intertwined in everything we do” or “ we are here every step of the way as you implement your new platform.” Acknowledgment of a customer’s deeper concerns can translate into credibility. It never hurts to serve technology-driven solutions with a human touch.

Personalized content can take that credibility a step further. Use an automated marketing platform like Hubspot to deliver targeted messages that resonate with the person you are trying to connect with. Defining your contact list using names, titles and demographics allows you to send more sophisticated tech messages to the CTO, a recap of industry trends to the CIO, or statistics covering return on investment to the CEO.


Back to Basics

We know you know your product. You live and breathe it daily, maybe you even created it. However, assume most of your potential customers don’t have a strong grip on the specifics of your technology. So try not to dazzle your audience with overly complicated language and tech jargon. It is not necessary and most likely the message will go right over their heads. Instead use short sentences, simple terms and limit wording when describing your product.

As you map out your messaging, focus on the pain points of your customer and solutions you have to offer. Or highlight key benefits and top value propositions instead of technical features. You can do a deep dive into how it all works when a prospect is further down the purchasing journey for example, once they have signed up for a demo or asked for more information. For now, just tell your audience why it matters and how it can help them.


Show don’t tell

According to visuals have been found to improve learning by up to 400 percent. They also stimulate the imagination enabling viewers to process information faster. So, when it comes to marketing a complex SaaS solution, make sure you add some eye candy to your efforts. A couple of our favorite visual marketing tools are:

  • Infographics: This is a highly graphical piece such as a chart or diagram that tells a story using graphics and data. Take it a step further and animate your infographic to increase engagement.
  • Explainer Video: An explainer video works especially well for SaaS products because they are short, usually animated, and quickly explain complex concepts in a way that is easy for viewers to consume.

Contrary to popular belief, attention spans are not shrinking, they are evolving to be more selective. A study done by Prezi, a presentation platform, found the ability for business professionals to maintain focus has improved over time despite the influx of available content. The key to capturing their attention is communicating your message with compelling content that includes great stories and interesting visuals.


Speak your customer’s language

If you want to discover key messages that will connect with potential customers, go straight to the source. Your existing customers may have once been filled with doubt and later discovered the light after implementing your product. During the sales or onboarding process note recurring keywords and descriptions your customers use to talk about problems and needs. Send out a survey or conduct customer testimonials to take a deeper dive into why they chose your product and the gaps it was able to fill. Then turn around and apply what you have learned to your messaging.

A messaging strategy that is simple and engaging will guide prospects through the learning curve of your product and give them confidence in taking the next step.

Content Matterz specializes in creating thoughtful content that resonates with SaaS prospects, this is our jam and we are here to help if you need it! Connect with us here if you would like to start a conversation.