Content Matterz Blog

Expertise from content marketers on everything from building a workable budget to creating the best marketing content.

Why marketers need to blog for themselves

Why marketers need to blog for themselves

Us marketers, we spend a lot of time promoting other people, places and things. It’s time to say “What about me?” We write, edit and anguish over copy, commas, tone, messaging etc. and sometimes we wonder what it’s all for. How would it feel if you used all that...

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Marketing the St. Paddy’s Day way

Marketing the St. Paddy’s Day way

St. Paddy’s Day is a big deal in my house. Not because we’re all a bunch of lushes (well maybe). But because my husband is a manager of a prominent Seattle Irish pub, Fadó Irish Pub. So we don’t see much of him as he runs around getting ready for the Irish festivities...

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4 dumb reasons to start a blog

4 dumb reasons to start a blog

People start blogs for all kinds of reasons. But they fail at a faster rate than ill-conceived restaurants. Why? I believe the reason is tied directly to why the blog was started in the first place. It’s important to have a goal, maybe even a dream. It’s especially...

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4 reasons leads don’t matter

4 reasons leads don’t matter

We all love the Pavlovian response to our efforts. Oooh a number that says you like me! But leads are only one measurement out of many that give marketing directions on what’s working and what isn’t. Focusing just on one piece of the puzzle leaves a whole lot of...

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