New year, New Year’s resolutions that can help your business grow

by | Jan 26, 2021 | Content

For many, a new year means a fresh start, and often comes with a resolution or two. And whether or not you believe in making resolutions for yourself (like increasing exercise or eating more vegetables), you should consider making a few for your marketing and business efforts. Why? Setting a resolution or two gives you and your team focus, and something to work towards for the entire year. If you are not sure of what a business resolution looks like or need a little help getting started, I have included a few for consideration.

Understanding the difference between a resolution and a goal

Before we dive into some business resolution ideas, let’s first define the difference between a resolution and a goal. A resolution is the decision to do (or not do) something, where as a goal is more specific and usually includes steps to follow to achieve it.

For example, a resolution would be to exercise more in 2021, where as a goal would be to run three days per week. Both of these are focused on exercise, but the goal is more specific in achieving the end result.

Marketing resolutions to consider for your business

Setting a business resolution is similar process as when you set a personal one. Take a little time to review your marketing and business strategy for this next year and think about resolutions that tie into these plans. Here are a few ideas that will help keep focus in your marketing strategy and enable growth.

Idea #1: Get to know your target audience a little better – Much has changed over the past year, including the pain points and needs of your target audience. Now is a good time to review and update your buyer personas. Review 2020 data, looking closely at new customers and leads. Interview key members of your sales team to understand the challenges they are facing, what feedback leads and customers are giving, and what materials are being requested most often. This will give you a better idea of what needs to be adjusted in overall marketing strategy moving forward.

Idea #2: Try something new in your marketing mix – Let’s face it, marketing is never standing still. So, your go-to marketing mix shouldn’t be either. This year, try a new channel or two and expand your reach and your audience. We’ve seen an uptick in video marking with our clients, so if you haven’t yet, that is definitely one new channel to consider.

Idea #3: Up your virtual events game – Fortunately or unfortunately, virtual events will be sticking around for some time. In order to keep your audience captivated, make sure your content is easy to consume, appealing and interactive. If you are looking for some ideas on how to make your next virtual event interesting, check out our blog post on virtual SKOs. These suggestions can be used to take any virtual event up a notch.

Idea #4: Strengthen your WFH team – Whether we like it or not, working from home will be happening for a good portion of this next year. Some companies are even considering making it permanent for select employees. Help your team be successful, regardless of their location, by ensuring they have both the tools and the support needed. Use these tips to help both you and your team settle in to this new normal.

Practicing what we preach

At Content Matterz, we have a few resolutions that our team will be focusing on this year. We feel it’s important to keep our team on the same page and moving towards a common goal.

Resolution #1: Taking a mission first approach – This year, we are going to focus on only working on projects that fit our mission: to create delightful, insightful, educational, revenue-generating content that brings results for our clients. This will allow us to really focus on moving in the right direction for future growth. Besides, when Steve Jobs came back to Apple, he killed half the projects they were working on so that they could focus on what they really wanted to be, and look at them now.

Resolution #2: Be more social – Our social channels and website presence often gets pushed to the back burner when times get busy. This year we will be making a point to give a little love and attention in that direction and practice some self-care. An added bonus: this will also give us platforms to showcase all the work we are doing for our awesome clients.

It’s not too late, get started today!

It may be almost February, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to set resolutions for your team. Look at us – we’re just finalizing our resolutions now (note to self: set 2022 resolutions earlier)! Get everyone together, brainstorm and settle on one or two overarching resolutions for the entire year. Consider including check points throughout the year and rewards for keeping up all the good work. By making it a fun, team building activity, it is more likely the resolution(s) will stick.

Good luck and cheers to 2021!