Looking for a HubSpot partner? Use this checklist

by | Nov 7, 2023 | Automation, Content, Software, Strategy

Marketing automation tools, such as HubSpot, enrich content marketing and sales programs, but they can also present some challenges, which is why a HubSpot partner can be instrumental to your success. While go-to-market platforms are rich with features and options, they often require ramp-up time and continuous education (all of which take time). If you’re a busy marketer, the last thing you probably have is extra time.

Why use a HubSpot partner?

For most platforms, more often than not, one person in the office becomes “the expert.” So what do you do when that person is out of the office?

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. Engaging someone who knows their way around the block can help alleviate these challenges. As a HubSpot Gold Partner, we work with many clients, doing everything from platform installations, setting up campaigns and automation to overall system management. Hiring a HubSpot partner brings with it many benefits, including additional expertise, more bandwidth and capabilities your team might not have.

Finding the right fit partner shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you are looking to engage with a rock star agency to give you a boost (and we sure hope it’s us!), here are the main things you should know before hiring.

HubSpot partner checklist

Growing your audience is a lot of work, and more than likely, your team doesn’t have the bandwidth to do it all themselves. There are many agencies out there claiming to be HubSpot experts and partners, but let’s be honest, not all of them are created equal.

If you are in the market for a HubSpot partner, here are the main things you need to consider to find the best fit:

1. A traceable track record

It’s one thing to read about a HubSpot partner on their website; it’s a whole different thing to see the work that’s been done or hear from others who have worked with this partner in the past. Ask for references and speak with one or two if you can. There’s no harm in asking for samples either, to see how the end product looked.

Find out how involved this potential partner is with the HubSpot community. The HubSpot partner program offers support and continued education to partners, along with access to forums. Depending on their status, they may have a dedicated HubSpot account manager who gives extra support and often opens the door to negotiating better pricing for you.

2. Content creator(s), extraordinaire!

There’s no doubt in your team’s ability to create content, but let’s be honest: there are only so many hours in the day. Marketing campaigns have a lot of moving pieces that need to be created and fused together in a way that optimizes the strategy and helps support clients and prospects.

Working with a HubSpot partner who is also a content creator means they can jump in and help inside and outside the HubSpot platform. Whether you need emails, social, landing pages, eBooks — you name it — the right partner can write, design, and execute your program. What’s not to like?

3. Knowledge of your industry and niche

Generalists need not apply in your case. Every industry has its own nuances and verbiage, and the customer journey has slight differences depending on the needs of your clients and prospects. When selecting a HubSpot partner, make sure they have a track record of working within your industry. You will be more confident in their help and recommendations, not to mention you are not spending extra time educating and bringing your partner “up-to-speed.”

4. Check capacity along with ability

Knowledge is key, but so is having the ability to help. When researching the best partner, find out about their capacity and turnaround times. Make sure their project timing works with yours. If you tend to have quick timelines, for example, be transparent during your initial conversations so the prospective partner knows what they are working with.

An already overly booked HubSpot partner leaves little wiggle room for urgent projects, tight deadlines and last-minute tasks. Having capacity conversations earlier in the game alleviates stress and disappointment down the road.

5. Partner that stands up for what is right

Having a ‘yes’ partner is nice. I mean, who doesn’t want to think their idea is great? But…sometimes what we think is the best way of doing something, really isn’t. And that is OK, too.

A sign of a good fit is having someone who not only speaks up but backs up their reasoning with prior experience and facts.

When speaking with potential HubSpot partners, ask about a time they knew what their client wanted wasn’t right and how they handled it. Keep in mind that it goes both ways. You, too, must be open to these recommendations and be willing to discuss the best course of action.

6. Your outcomes are their outcomes

When you’re trusting a partner to help execute your HubSpot campaigns or projects, the last thing you want is someone who just sets it and forgets it. Seek out a partner who is really a partner and will do whatever it takes to find creative solutions to help you meet your business objectives — rather than just simply setting up a dashboard or workflow.

Content Matterz is your strategic marketing partner!

If you’re in the market for a HubSpot partner, you’ve come to the right place. We have a deep-seated expertise in all things HubSpot, plus the passion to go along with it. It also doesn’t hurt that we are a content marketing agency with experience across multiple industries.

As your partner, we can help negotiate rates, be the one who can get things done and serve as your go-to for all things HubSpot and content. Let us help you!