The ultimate guide to repurposing content (AKA the Turkey Dinner)

by | Jun 23, 2021 | Content

It takes a lot of time, energy, and resources to feed the content marketing machine. And yet, feed it you must, otherwise, you’re missing out on opportunities to generate demand for your product or drive traffic to your business. But here’s a little secret that not everyone knows: you don’t actually need to create brand new content every day. You simply need a strategy and process for getting the content you created yesterday (or last week or last month) into the hands of more people today.

To do this, you employ the wizardry that is content repurposing. Content repurposing is the process of taking existing content and transforming it into a different format – say, turning a whitepaper into a series of blog posts, or turning a webinar into a social media campaign. It’s one of the most valuable tools in a marketer’s toolbox, including our own, and we think you could benefit from it, too.

{{cta(‘cde7c741-d6f7-4cbe-b23b-6b13868256f1′,’justifyright’)}}That’s why we created this guide on How to Repurpose Content Like A Pro, AKA: How to start thinking about your content like a turkey dinner.



Think of it as a one-stop guide to repurposing content, complete with why you should do it, how you should do it, and plenty of examples. 

What’s that got to do with turkey?

We’re totally convinced that content repurposing and turkey dinners have a lot in common. So convinced, in fact, that we included it in the title of our guide. Let us explain.

The American (or Canadian) turkey dinner is a delightful culinary experience typically consisting of a roast turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls or cornbread, and pumpkin pie – or some variation of these. It’s a smash-hit on its own, just like an eBook, whitepaper, or webinar you may have created. But, the beauty of the turkey dinner is that there’s so much to work with beyond that one meal.

After the dinner comes the leftover meals: the next-day turkey sandwiches, the soup you make and freeze for the next week, the pie you secretly snack on for breakfast, and so much more. They all serve different purposes, be it a hearty lunch to get you through Black Friday shopping or a sweet treat just for fun. And, they may not all appeal to everyone – maybe the soup is only a thing your dad likes, but the pie is all for you. Whatever the case is, the bottom line is that you’ve repurposed your turkey dinner into something different that serves a new purpose.

It’s the same with your piece of content. Repurposing it into blog posts, emails, an infographic, social media posts, and more lets you extend the life of the “meal” (aka eBook, whitepaper, webinar, etc.) that you put so much time and energy into making. And it’s exactly what we did with our guide.

Repurposing: we do it, too! This post is proof.

We spent quite a bit of time creating this guide, so finding ways to repurpose it allows us to get the most out of what we put into it. Plus, we wanted to include real examples of content repurposing to show you how it can be done.

Here’s all the things we’ve done so far with our guide:

  1. We broke up each section of the guide into separate blog posts (the 10 Benefits of Repurposing Content, How to Repurpose Content: Part 1, and How to Repurpose Content: Part 2)
  2. …which culminated into this blog post announcing the guide
  3. We made an infographic all about content
  4. We made a pillar page with all the information from the guide + examples
  5. We made a downloadable slide deck with the 10 reasons to repurpose content


The overarching goal for all of these pieces of content is to make your life as a marketer, content creator, or business owner easier by showing you how to get the most bang for your turkey dinner buck. We hope we’ve accomplished that here. If generating enough content to drive demand for your business still feels totally overwhelming, you can always bring in the hired chefs (that’s us!).

Don’t go it alone

Whether or not you’ve already made the perfect dinner, we can take it from here! Our fresh set of (expert) eyes can turn a killer piece of content into a portfolio of repurposed pieces. We can even start from scratch and create the whole thing – dinner, leftovers, and all. Check out some of the content pieces we’ve made for other clients and get in touch today so we can start working together!