B2B infographics

Give your prospects just the nudge they need to move through the funnel.

Visually engage B2B prospects with infographics that showcase data and expertise

How to use infographics in content marketing

Whether it’s demonstrating data, presenting a solution, or highlighting a product, infographics are a proven fan favorite to communicate information quickly and clearly. They can help you tell your story, in your voice and brand (of course), to hook buyers wherever they are in their journey. Infographics are great attention-getters! We like to use infographics in:


  • Social posts and ad campaigns
  • SEM campaigns
  • Websites and landing pages
  • Email campaigns
  • Sales enablement tools
  • Embedded in blogs and articles

Why are infographics so popular with B2B content marketers?

It has to do with the way our brains work. Visual content is processed by our brains 60,000 times faster than text. The proof is in the marketing metrics. Here’s why B2B content marketing professionals should rely on infographics to drive engagement:

  • Social media posts with images have a 650% higher engagement rate
  • Infographics are reported to receive 3x the likes and shares compared to any other content
  • 70% of social media users report that they would rather learn from an infographic rather than text
  • Information displayed in an infographic results in 78% better retention than text alone


It’s no wonder that 65% of marketers use infographics as part of their content marketing strategy. Are you leveraging this valuable piece of content in you marketing? We’re here to help you do it right.

Check out these examples of how we’ve helped top brands create compelling visuals in this popular format.

Source: DemandSage

Click on the thumbnail to explore infographic examples

Infographic thumbnail

Client: Norton

Infographic thumbnail

Client: TINYpulse

Infographic thumbnail

Client: Pantheon

Zemax mobile marketing

Client: PayScale

Infographic thumbnail

Client: Outreach

Infographic newsletter

Client: Docuvera 

Infographic thumbnail

Client: Simetric 


Client: SAP Concur 

Infographic thumbnail

Client: Brightly 

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