eBooks: Everything you need to know now

If you’re looking for a good way to generate leads and get people excited over your product or service, why not use an eBook?

These timeless content marketing pieces offer the right mix of knowledge, solutions and interest to connect with your prospects. After all, who doesn’t like to get free information that addresses their pain point? eBooks offer all this wrapped up in an easy-to-digest and pretty package, not to mention, they are a great opportunity to flex your writing muscles.

What is an eBook?

Before diving into the “how,” let’s take a moment to review the history of this content marketing collateral.

An eBook, also known as an electronic book or an i-book, is a digital version of a book with a wide variety of uses, including fiction books, deep dives on specific topics, and of course, marketing. Originating in the late 1990s with the creation of personal digital assistants (PDAs), they were first used by publishers to convert paper books into a digital format. However, in the early 2000s, marketers developed a creative way to exchange free eBooks on specific topics for the recipient’s contact information — ultimately using them as a new method for lead generation.

Marketing eBook 101

This may be a review for some, but understanding the mechanics behind any marketing materials is the first step to creating it right. So, here’s your down-and-dirty lesson on eBooks:

  • eBooks for marketing content are used when a topic needs more details and information than could be provided in shorter form materials (such as an email, 1-pager, brochure or even webpage).
  • They tend to run on the longer side, with the average eBook length totaling between 2,000 to 2,500 words.
  • PDF is the most universal format used for these pieces, and good design helps capture the reader’s attention and keep it interesting.
  • eBooks can be used in a variety of ways to generate leads, which we’ll dive into later (so keep reading!).
How to repurpose content eBook

How should you approach an eBook in 2024?

Consumers are getting smarter. They can spot a marketing campaign from miles away, and most of them (myself included) do not like to be sold to. So what does this mean for eBooks? 

Enter the art of subtlety. 

Know your audience

The first step is to know who you are writing to — your audience — and where they fall in the buyer’s journey, so you can compose the best content for that stage of their decision-making. You also want to determine what action you desire from your audience after they read your eBook, whether it’s piquing interest to learn more, reaching out for a sales call, etc.

For example, at the top of the funnel (or beginning of the journey), you’re not looking to push the product — you just want to hook ‘em in because your brand is very knowledgeable about their problem or topic of interest. This is the awareness stage, and you’ll want to keep your content broader while positioning your company as the expert. Or, you may want to start connecting the dots on how your company is the solution. Now we’re entering mid-funnel, and you need to make the tie between the pain points and how your product/service/solution is the answer.

Be the information source people want to share

There is nothing more frustrating than giving away your contact information only to receive a piece of content that is full of fluff and less than helpful. Sentences should be clear and concise, any statistics or quotes must be cited properly and creativity is mandatory when presenting information (i.e., charts, graphs and design elements).

Executed well, a marketing eBook is filled with helpful information, is relatable and addresses where the buyer is feeling at that moment in their journey. It is also something they want to read again and even share with a friend or colleague.

Understanding your audience and what step in the buyer’s journey you are targeting will help you focus your writing and select a topic that will have the most impact.

Have a promotion strategy

Once your eBook is written and looks amazing (don’t worry, we’re covering that below), the next step is to tell people about it and start generating those leads for your sales team. The options are endless, but you want to be intentional in your approach. Take into consideration where your buyers are in their journey and the most effective way to reach them.

Some of our favorite ways to promote eBooks include:

  • Email campaigns
  • Webinars
  • Blog posts
  • Content syndication and digital ad campaigns
  • Sales call follow-ups
  • Social media

Regardless of how you decide to promote, make sure that getting the eBook is always the CTA!

You don’t have to stick to one way to promote your eBook. A multi-pronged approach is best to really get the word out there. If you just aren’t sure, that’s where bringing an expert in to help. When it comes to marketing pieces, we start with the end in mind. Our Ready-to-Launch eBook package includes the eBook, as well as the supporting emails, blog posts and social or digital ads.

Pro tip: An eBook isn’t a one-and-done thing. There are multiple ways to creatively reuse your one content piece to reach new and different audiences. Check out our ultimate guide to repurposing marketing content.

The right way to make an eBook

Now that you know the basics, let’s get started on drafting that eBook. You know your product, solution or service. It’s obviously the best available, so, your eBook should write itself, right? Well…not exactly. 

5 steps to writing an eBook

Once you have an understanding of your audience and what makes an eBook effective, you can better tailor your content to the prospect. Your steps from conception through publication will likely look something like this:

  1. Decide on a topic for your eBook. You’ve figured out where your audience is in their buying process, now choose a subject that will pique their interest. Establish your goal, and put it in a place where you can reference it easily as you write.
  2. Research, research, research. What are other people saying? Are there data points that support your position? (You’ll use this information to support your authority on the topic).
  3. Create an outline for the eBook. In our experience, the research and outline steps overlap as you organize your thoughts and ideas.
  4. Start writing! Huzzah, the fun begins. Follow your outline and use the information you gathered during your research to write each section. Once completed, don’t forget to edit and proofread your content.
  5. Format for publication. A good designer is well worth the investment for an eBook. They’ll use images, charts, or graphs to help add visual interest and format your eBook for different devices.
the real big deal

Now that you have a grasp on how to write your eBook, the next step is making it better than all the other ones out there. Lucky for you, we’re sharing some insider tips to help you create the best of the best.

7 attributes of a good eBook

Here are the must-have items you should include in your next eBook to help get you on the road to helpful content:

  • A catchy title. Keep in mind when writing your title that it still needs to make sense and tie into your topic.
  • Table of contents. This allows your readers to easily see what topics your book is covering, not to mention when they re-read or share, they can jump to their favorite parts.
  • Clear, concise content. Short sentences that cover one point are best. Paragraphs shouldn’t be more than three sentences, if possible, and white space is a must. Attention spans are short, so make all your content easy to consume quickly.
  • Include those keywords. If your eBook is digital or has digital assets associated with it (such as blog posts or social media), snake sure they are SEO friendly. SEO is important for ensuring your amazing piece of content is showing up in search results. Sprinkle those keywords in your writing in a natural way. Don’t sound like a robot. Your readers are humans, so write to them as such.
  • Mobile friendly. More than likely, this will be read from a phone. Make sure how you present your content and design is easy to view on a small screen.
  • Call-to-Action (CTA). What action do you want your readers to take? This should be visible and obvious.
  • Easy to share. There is nothing more flattering than having your content shared with others, not to mention it expands your audience and reach. Built-in sharing buttons make passing your content along as simple as a single click.

Combining our 5 steps to writing with the 7 attributes of a good eBook gives you the secret sauce to standing out from the crowd, attracting solid leads and maintaining your competitiveness in the marketplace.


Do eBooks really make good lead magnets?

The answer is yes. Let’s face it, content marketing is just good business, as it costs 62% less than traditional marketing and generates about 3 times as many leads.

What’s a lead magnet?

Lead magnets are free resources offered by your company in exchange for contact information. Essentially, you are trading something valuable for the opportunity to continue to market to that person long-term — this is why it is important your eBook is informative, helpful and shareable. Otherwise, you are not going to attract many new potential customers.

Getting leads is an important part of any business. Case in point, companies with solid lead generation processes generate 133% more revenue, and that is where you want to be. And when it comes to eBooks, one study found that 56% of responders reported eBooks samples generated the highest conversion rate in short-form written content.

What to do if you need an eBook?

Want to create an eBook that dazzles and delights, but don’t know where to start? Using an expert to help you write and produce an effective piece of content is the best next step.

At Content Matterz, we have the expertise to not only write and design your next eBook but also create an effective strategy to promote it. Reach out to us today to get started.

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